

Created by google


dbt version required: >=1.3.0

Include the following in your packages.yml file:

  - package: google/fhir_dbt_utils
    version: 1.0.4

Run dbt deps to install the package.

For more information on using packages in your dbt project, check out the dbt Documentation.


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FHIR dbt utils

Overview   |   Getting started   |   Using the package   |   Macros   |   | Feedback

What is FHIR-dbt-utils?

FHIR-dbt-utils is a dbt package to support analytics over FHIR® resources stored in BigQuery or Apache Spark.

The package is a foundation on which advanced FHIR analytics can be built. It is predominatly a collection of dbt macros that can be used to:

  • Configure dbt sources for your FHIR resource tables
  • Make the analysis of complex FHIR fields easier (e.g. codeableConcept fields)
  • Provide consistent logic for common healthcare data transformations (e.g. age group bucketing or calculating length of stay)
  • Build patient cohorts by combining macros

The macros that you would most likely interact with for analytics are located within the fhir_analysis_macros sub-folder. Documentation, including usage examples, can be found in Using The Package.

Can I make use of this package?

This package is aimed at healthcare analysts, engineers and informaticians using FHIR data for analytics.

The package currently supports FHIR data in the following format:

  • ✅ Stored in a supported data warehouse: BigQuery; Spark
  • ✅ Conforms to the SQL-based FHIR projections defined by the FHIR community in SQL-on-FHIR.
  • ✅ FHIR version STU3 or R4

How do I start using it?

You can install fhir-dbt-utils as a package in your own dbt project.

For pre-requisites and step-by-step instructions see the Getting Started tab.

After this, we recommend that you read through Using The Package to understand how to make use of the macros and other content in your project.


FHIR-dbt-utils is not an officially supported Google product. The project is work-in-progress so expect additional content to be added as well as potentially breaking changes as we refine the project structure.

If you believe that something’s not working, please create a GitHub issue. We would also very much welcome any general feedback and suggestions for improvements which you can provide via this Google form.

FHIR® is the registered trademark of HL7 and is used with the permission of HL7. Use of the FHIR trademark does not constitute endorsement of the contents of this repository by HL7.